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Why do you want to work in PR?

I love the media field and all that it can provide. 


What writing experience do you have?

I have been writing ever since Middle School, where I first discovered my love for writing poetry.  From that I have created a few songs in the past.  I have always been one to take on the challenges of writing, conquering the hardships of writers block.  I have for many assignments in college, flushing out my thoughts along with data and research.


How would you put together a pitch?

I would create a promotional package to send to our potential lead.  I would put together a  presentation to show them at a meeting, gathering all of our testimonials, awards,  and sales.

Children's Book Author

"Both my son and I use Julie Gerber from Away We Go Media. We share an assistant and budding publicist, Brittney Bass. We use Facebook mostly to get word of our books out there. We have an astonishing network of bloggers who’s generosity in both reading and promoting has helped get work of our books out there."

Horror - Suspense - Thriller - Fantasy Author - Screenwriter

"I’m all over the Internet, thanks to my crack team of agents – Team Cash.  Brittney Bass is my publicist and fan club pres.  My mom is my momager (mom+manager=momager), who never stops bragging about me.  It can get quite annoying, but I deal.  Ann Gerber is my social networking guru and personality coach, because I have no personality.  Second part is not true.  And my brother Eric is my critic and cover designer.  I would be nothing without these people in my life, just another castle builder in the sky. They have been my foundation."

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